Thursday, July 30, 2020

July 29: Sallins to Lock 18

We were waiting for David and Lisa to return before we headed out. There was rain coming, and we wanted to try to get some ways before it really started. They messaged us that they had missed their train, and wouldn't be in until 1:00. So, we decided to go ahead to the first lock.

We set out and things ran smoothly. We motored slowly past the long row of live-aboards. Derek and his girlfriend Jess came out on their deck to wave goodbye to us.

The first feature along the way was the Leinster Aquaduct. This is a bridge that carries the canal over the river Liffey, which we last saw in Dublin. Sarah had been talking about pulling the boat for days, so when we reached the aquaduct, she grabbed the bow line and hopped onto the shore. I put the boat in neutral, and she pulled us all the way to the far side.

We made quick progress and were at lock 16 within an hour. We pulled up at the jetty before the lock to have some lunch and coffee while we waited for David and Lisa to catch up. Sarah mixed up a lovely salad and we had that and baguette on the back deck. The pups got out to stretch their legs a bit.

The Dogs on the Ramp at Lock 16

We had just finished our coffee, when David and Lisa came into view. Sarah walked up to start work on the lock and I pulled the boat under the bridge and into the lock.

Digby Bridge 1794 at Lock 16

The Fairy Tree by Lock 17

It wasn't long before we had two locks behind us and were headed up to lock 18. This is the final climbing lock along the canal. Ahead lay the summit stretch, and with lock 19 we would start our descent to the Shannon, still some 50 miles away.

As we approached the lock, we realized that two WI people were there to help us. It turns out they had spotted us at the last lock and drove ahead to prepare this one. So, we were able to simply glide into the lock. While he was there, the lock keeper told us that we had best tie up here for the night. The water level on the summit here was quite low (by about 9 inches). During the summer, the summit supply is used to fill the canal to the West. He had called ahead to ask them to turn down that supply, so the summit would fill back up.

Dagny Enjoying the Grass at Lock 18

David and Lisa tied up behind us and we got hard to work relaxing. Before turning in, they invited us to have some brandy hot chocolate. I joined them aboard their boat for a short while, and the brought some home to Sarah. Thanks guys!

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