Wednesday, July 29, 2020

July 24-29: Sallins

After four rather intense days, we needed a break. Sallins was the perfect place for it. There was a Lidl just next to where we moored. There were lovely walks in both directions along the canal and we walked all the way out to the Leinster Aquaduct, where the canal crosses above the river Liffey. I ran errands to do laundry and visit a local Chandlery, and did some maintenance on the boat.

Dagny Relaxes After a Walk

On Sunday night, Johnny and Anne came up and we took them out to dinner at a wonderful brew pub, oddly named Lock 13 (odd, because Sallins sits between locks 15 & 16).

Before Dinner in Sallins

In Front of Lock 13 Pub

With Johnny and Anne After Dinner

Some of the people we met:

We ran into Derek, who helped us move the boat the first day, on several occasions. He is one of those very genuine people who always wants to help. Every community needs a Derek.

I met Dave, who recently bought a new boat delivered as an insulated shell to Sallins. He was working on the interior and living in the construction site.

I met Karen, who was selling her narrow boat River Dancer. I was out walking the dogs, and saw her stop to look at the boat. I said, "that would be a project!" Not knowing it was actually her boat. I was a bit embarrassed. She was kind and took no offense. We chatted, and she shared some wisdom of the waterways. I find that I am gathering different stories and using them to triangulate the best course of action.

On our second to last day, we motored back under the bridge to a water point to fill our tanks. While we were tied up there, several people stopped to chat. Two older men who told us about working on the canal in their youth. They talked about their fathers hauling Guinness along the canal, dropping off thousands of gallons at each stop to re-supply the local depot.

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